What is NOT feminist in a budget

Nice point of view.. the analisys of Bitch media of Portland about the choose that them took in the yearly budget plan.

Starting by

If you want to know what an organization is about, what they value, how they think—look at their budget. More than any About Us page or mission statement, a budget reveals the true priorities and intentions of any organization.

Hum.. of for sure.. out of the words… reveal what the group think about:

  • peer for relevance of a job but also in salary
  • distribution of privilege inside the organization
  • distribution of responsability inside the organization
  • open or not open of the group for collaboration
  • taking care one with the other of the different needs: stability but also flexibility
  • work to distribute the knowledges and plan shifts

So in general, looking the bugdet of an organization:

can see if they take care and trust one with the others, or if the bugdet is only a tecnical agreement.


If the only way of a group to take the decision about a budget are cost and productivity, this means that the group is NOT taking decision with a peer to peer way of discuss and also a not feminist vision of the future.

Here the complete text:
