VIDEO of the talk:
the resources at the end are very interesting! and in different languages
To go further (English)Online resources:
●Feminist Perspectives on Power, Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
●How Double Standards Work (understanding the unmarked/marked distinction), Julia Serano
●Intersectionality : The Double Bind of Race and Gender, Kimberley Crenshaw (interview)
●Autonomous government I & II, Freedom according to the Zapatistas
●How Can You Make a ‘Real’ Difference? Try These 9 Acts of Everyday Radical Activism, Everyday feminism
To go further (English)Books:
●Circles of Power: Shifting Dynamics in a Lesbian-Centered Community, La Verne Gagehabib and Barbara Summerhawk
●Together, Robert Senett
●Excluded, Julia Serano
To go further (Spanish)Online resources:
●Gobierno autónomo I & II, La Libertad según l@sZapatist@s
●Micropolítica de los grupos, Para una ecología de las prácticas colectivas, Vercauteren, Crabbé, Müller
To go further (French)Sites :
●Les attributs du pouvoir et leur confiscation aux femmes,
●Micropolitique des groupes, pour une écologie des pratiques collectives, Vercauteren, Crabbé, Müller
●Constellations, trajectoires révolutionnaires du jeune 21e siècle, collectif Mauvaise Troupe
●Adieux au capitalisme, Autonomie, société du bien vivre et multiplicité des mondes, Jérôme Baschet