Video on noblogs!

To put video on noblogs, exist a plugin active by default to do the embed of these video by third parts.

yeh, in the specification of HTML5 exist the tag VIDEO, but the platform of noblogs not allow to upload the formats: ogv, mp4 and mov, …

I think that this happen because the Autistici/Inventati collective prefer that specifc platform do this, probably because the video normally are heavy and you need specific bandwidth, storage, …

So you can upload your video in the platform that you want, on peertube, internet archive, wikisource, if you use open licence and open format.. or on the capitalist gigant of google: in youtube.

To embed a video you need to use this way:


which this result:

Here the complete list of the cases:

Choosing a Service Provider

really usefull this workshop of tactical tech about.. choose where is your space in the internet…

This activity explore features that web-hosting providers offer. It will map them with participants expectations for issues such as reliability or full-time support versus ideological and political perspectives and desires.

So they provide a list of feautures where thw group can choose the priorities

  • Inexpensive
  • Customer Service
  • Usability
  • Feature-full
  • Reliability
  • Security
  • Data sovereignty
  • Privacy
  • Diversity
  • Politics
  • Local

The material for the workshop

Inexpensive: How inexpensive is it compared to other similar services.
Customer Service: Can I talk to a human being in my language?
Usability: How intuitive is to use?
Feature-full: How many features does the service provide (e.g. good performance, control panel,
amount of options per web service, self-installed plugins and themes, etc)?
Reliable: Is it available all the time, the whole year? How probable is it that the provider will shut
Secure: How resistant is the server to attacks?
Data sovereignty: Can you export, own and control your data stored on their servers?
Privacy by design:
privacy taken into account when designing the technology used in the
infrastructure (e.g. not keeping historical data of users for long periods of time, not capturing user
data that can reveal their specific geographical location, choosing software that encrypts data by
default, etc)?
– Does the tech they use include plans in case that the government confiscates their servers?
– Does the service leak data unintentionally (e.g. through a ‘back door’) to governments,
corporations or possible attackers?
– Does the service profit from your data being stored on their servers?
Diversity: How diverse is the group of people that are running the tech infrastructure behind the
Consent-minded technology: Does it respect the users’s decisions?
Common values and politics: How important is that their politics align with our own?
Local: Is it from your community, does it include local allies, identity-wise (sexual orientation,
gender, race, class, diverse cognitive/physical functionality, etc)?

Here the full workshop:

What is NOT feminist in a budget

Nice point of view.. the analisys of Bitch media of Portland about the choose that them took in the yearly budget plan.

Starting by

If you want to know what an organization is about, what they value, how they think—look at their budget. More than any About Us page or mission statement, a budget reveals the true priorities and intentions of any organization.

Hum.. of for sure.. out of the words… reveal what the group think about:

  • peer for relevance of a job but also in salary
  • distribution of privilege inside the organization
  • distribution of responsability inside the organization
  • open or not open of the group for collaboration
  • taking care one with the other of the different needs: stability but also flexibility
  • work to distribute the knowledges and plan shifts

So in general, looking the bugdet of an organization:

can see if they take care and trust one with the others, or if the bugdet is only a tecnical agreement.


If the only way of a group to take the decision about a budget are cost and productivity, this means that the group is NOT taking decision with a peer to peer way of discuss and also a not feminist vision of the future.

Here the complete text:

Sharing power in our communities

VIDEO of the talk:


the resources at the end are very interesting! and in different languages


To go further (English)Online resources:

●Feminist Perspectives on Power, Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

●How Double Standards Work (understanding the unmarked/marked distinction), Julia Serano

●Intersectionality : The Double Bind of Race and Gender, Kimberley Crenshaw (interview)

●Autonomous government I & II, Freedom according to the Zapatistas

●How Can You Make a ‘Real’ Difference? Try These 9 Acts of Everyday Radical Activism, Everyday feminism

To go further (English)Books:

●Circles of Power: Shifting Dynamics in a Lesbian-Centered Community, La Verne Gagehabib and Barbara Summerhawk

●Together, Robert Senett

●Excluded, Julia Serano


To go further (Spanish)Online resources:

●Gobierno autónomo I & II, La Libertad según l@sZapatist@s

●Micropolítica de los grupos, Para una ecología de las prácticas colectivas, Vercauteren, Crabbé, Müller

To go further (French)Sites :

●Les attributs du pouvoir et leur confiscation aux femmes,

●Micropolitique des groupes, pour une écologie des pratiques collectives, Vercauteren, Crabbé, Müller

●Constellations, trajectoires révolutionnaires du jeune 21e siècle, collectif Mauvaise Troupe

●Adieux au capitalisme, Autonomie, société du bien vivre et multiplicité des mondes, Jérôme Baschet

Account mastodon! e blog noblogs!

We have a place were speak and add comment in a mastodon’s instance:

we choose that istance because are antifascist, based on mutualism, horizontal and anticapitalist.

Here the guide line of the comunity


We have also a blog where we push materials and articlesabout organizations:

we choose that server to host our content because is antifascist, privacy oriented, based on mutualism and knowledge sharing.

You can find more info about noblogs and A/I here:


From the interface of noblogs:

Plugins > Mastodon Autopost Activate

Mastodon Autopost


A WordPress Plugin that automatically posts your new articles to Mastodon

Version xxx | By L1am0 | Visit plugin site

And in

Settings > Mastodon Autopost

add the name of my instance es:


Donare agli altri un discorso pulito

Fa parte delle dinamiche di gruppo e del volersi bene il lavorare su se stesse per cercare di essere il più chiare possibile:

Questo è un mini trattato su che cosè il Pensiero Critico

Critical thinking web_miniguide-v2

ovvero sapere argomentare, fare sintesi e riconoscere fallacie/errori comuni dell’argomentazione umana e ritenuti tali dal 5 sec a.C.

E’ molto utile saperli riconoscere perchè avvelenano il discorso: es attacchi ad personam, o definire cose “naturali”, o correlazioni inesistenti, .. etc..

Sul sito web ci sono anche i tutorial e gli esercizi di logica 😛

Diciamo che questa è studiare e migliorarsi sulla parte ATTIVA di noi.. cioè il parlare, poi si possono fare dei passi avanti anche nel”ASCOLTARE!

e per esempio informarsi su che cosa è l’ascolto attivo…


Proposta di basi organizzative

Il mega riassunto è:

1- base condivisa di convivenza e reciprocità (siamo d’accordo a non
discriminare per razza, età, sesso e sessualità, aspetto fisico,
educazione e capacità)

2- basi di coscienza comune sui limiti dei linguaggi naturali

Critical thinking web_miniguide-v2

ovvero sapere argomentare, fare sintesi e riconoscere fallacie/errori comuni del
pensiero umano e ritenuti tali dal 5 sec a.C.

3- incontro fisico di persona annuale e piani annuali, così dai la
possibilità anche a chi non è continuo nel progetto di aiutare sul lungo

4- orizzontalità decisionale e nei ruoli, vedi:

(chi programma non è più “potente” di chi si smazza altre cose.. e tuttu
devono essere messi nella condizione di capire cosa stiamo facendo come

in italiano probl-autoritari

5- mansionario/gruppi di lavoro ed anche “mentors for new entry”:

6- report mensili: esempio

7- gruppi di lavoro formati da: 1 beginner, 2 advanced beginner e 1
competence (dal libro: Dreyfus “pragmatic thinking and learning”)

[gestendo che quando il beginner salta di livello bisogna trovarne un
altru e quando il competence anche lui diventa expert può prendersi un
anno di pausa/ricerca oppure cambiare mansione e fare il beginner in
un’altra sfera di conoscenza utile]

tutto ciò indipendentemente che le persone siano pagate o no dal
progetto, è un patto sociale aldilà del denaro.